CCELD 2015 - Results

Evaluation Data

Participant Feedback

Feedback on the Opening Session of CCELD

Areas for improvement include requests for more women speakers, younger speakers, and more
diversity in the speakers.

While some asked for more interactive sessions, there was also praise for the interaction,

"The interactive sections of the opening were invaluable to trigger your mind to the experiences and lessons that were learned during our two weeks. It also gave us an opportunity to build relationships and network with other teams, which leant to the excitement of wanting to see persons again and share your experience."

Feedback on the Study Tours of CCELD

A number felt that that the tours were too busy.

"Quality over quantity: our tour was very busy. Perhaps we need to have balance so that we can retain the information and be in the right frame of mind to receive the information. I do not know which site visit I would eliminate. May I also suggest a site visit where we not only meet with PTO established leaders, but also meet with emerging leader within site visits."

Toronto team mentioned that participants should stay at the same hotel. Many participants requested more time to debrief and more time for physical activity. Regarding the planning a number asked for more information on the composition of the tours and dress code and requested that it is delivered earlier. 

Feedback on the Closing Session of CCELD

"Suggest shorter, video-based presentations, followed by a facilitated set of group discussions that
involve mixing participants from each of the study tours. This could be followed by a short report back to the plenary (e.g. One key takeaway from each conversation.)"

A number of evaluations noted that the Pegasus was run-down.

"Very impressive. Appreciated the questions from the panel to fully digest our learning. Dignitaries
present showed that as leaders we are respected and acknowledged."

"Panel members should have been provided with the Group reports to review in preparation for pointed questions after the presentations."

Feedback on the Overall Dialogue

The network of persons within the planning committees, the study groups and the companies visited are tremendous and should be maintained.

The groups were well put together and the dynamics within the groups were excellent.

A number mentioned that team co-chairs were not as strong or prepared as they could have been. 

"Chair session may need to be longer in order for them to learn to understand group dynamics."

"The bringing together of leaders from across sectors is a powerful thing as we close the gap in a shrinking world."

"Program structure is powerful, intense and forces us to stretch ourselves."

"The CCELD15 experience was richly rewarding and indeed exposed me to leaders and organizations that I may not have otherwise have access to; the experience have definitely caused me to view my work environment and it's effects on its surroundings and vice versa, through a different pair of lens."