Feedback on the Opening Session of CCELD
Areas for improvement include requests for more women speakers, younger speakers, and more
diversity in the speakers.
While some asked for more interactive sessions, there was also praise for the interaction,
"The interactive sections of the opening were invaluable to trigger your mind to the experiences and lessons that were learned during our two weeks. It also gave us an opportunity to build relationships and network with other teams, which leant to the excitement of wanting to see persons again and share your experience."
Feedback on the Study Tours of CCELD
A number felt that that the tours were too busy.
"Quality over quantity: our tour was very busy. Perhaps we need to have balance so that we can retain the information and be in the right frame of mind to receive the information. I do not know which site visit I would eliminate. May I also suggest a site visit where we not only meet with PTO established leaders, but also meet with emerging leader within site visits."
Toronto team mentioned that participants should stay at the same hotel. Many participants requested more time to debrief and more time for physical activity. Regarding the planning a number asked for more information on the composition of the tours and dress code and requested that it is delivered earlier.